BUILD People Worldwide sees a world where all people have access to clean water, while empowering them economically and through education.

By traveling into the villages, interacting with people and showing them how to use and clean the filters, we are able to ensure that the filters get to those who need them the most. By educating people in proper filter use, they are empowered to take ownership in providing clean drinking water for their family in their homes.

We work with local community members and leaders in Cameroon who live and work in the areas we help. Ongoing communication gives us the knowledge that the people who need the help get it and are empowered to build a better life for themselves and their families.

PUBLISHED May 10, 2016, ALLETE Stream
In the midst of a flurry of photo taking after Tuesday’s Annual Meeting, Micheline Bayiha took a moment to reflect on being the 2016 recipient of the Don Shippar Community Leadership Award.
“I’m just really touched,” she said, trying to take in all the well-wishers who made their way through the crowd to congratulate her. “My head is just spinning.”
ALLETE Chairman, President and CEO Al Hodnik announced the recipient at Tuesday’s Annual Meeting at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center.
“Thank you for your generous spirit and the difference you’ve made in Cameroon and also here in Duluth,” Hodnik said.